Yup, the most popular Stadium in Indonesia. Known by GBK which is located in the Central of Jakarta. It is not only a Stadium, but more like a Club's activity place. If you visit GBK on Saturday and Sunday, it is normal to see Skateboard Club attraction, Roller Blade Club attraction, Cheerleader attraction, National Runner Club, Volley Club, Parqour Club, Bicycle Club, and yea! So many more!
For example "CALISTHENICS INDEPENDENCE", it is a street workout club and free for public. You can join whenever you want and they will welcome you cheerfully. They even got a lose weight program and you won't believe how effective it is until you join them. In fact, many of them succed on loosing weight to their ideal one. Come on, go stalk their squad at Caiden_SW on instagram!
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One of the owner, Lisa |
Therefore, some of International groups are there too. The popular one named "Chi". By the name itself, you surely know where does it came from. In Chinesse traditional medical, it is not strange to hear Chi which it means Energy Flow. It is one of the Energy Flow that combined by nature and human's body. We are not sure actually about the activity, but mostly the participant are elderly and they look as if they are in peace lol. But well do not underestimate this Chi group, because the trainer itself came from China! You can google yourself about Chi if you are curious and interested enough. For us which we never try it, it is actually pretty impressive.
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Gelora Bung Karno Stadium |
So after all, if you want to enter the Stadium then you must pay around Rp 100.000/person alone. But it will be different if you visit in group and of course it will be cheaper. I payed Rp 50.000/person for 12people back then. Well inside the Stadium, you can play Footbal, Sandman Survival, Running, use the long Stick, and so much more. But the tournament of football itself has a very rare schedule that you need to wait their announcement by Internet or their Advertisement.
However, I really think that the inside of the Stadium is really nice and clean. The wide size is also make us free to do things by our own. But I won't say the outside is worse, in fact I've been enjoying GBK lot of times with my friends and sometimes we joined some of the Club that exist there. And since there were so many renovation there, now GBK also got a GYM tool facilities (body build program). I am very happy with the facilities that provided because it is not only let me build my body without cost, but it also provides a health tools for people that can't pay for GYM Pass.
Again, it is clean and really good to go inside. For your information, at night you can't visit inside only a few of people. It has a minimum capacity to visit inside. But still, you can feel the tournament moment at night there!
5 komentar
Write komentarSesekali kalian musti Cobain street workout di gbk.. With CAIDEN_SW (Ig-nya).. Di jamin keringetaaaaaaannnn.. Latihan bareng mereka tidak di punggut biaya.. Setiap hari selasa Dan kamis di pintu 2. Mulai latihan pukul 19.30-selesai..
ReplyWooww, terima kasih untuk saudara Ogie atas informasinyaaa. Akan kita update untuk artikel kita yang ini ! Thank you so much ^^
Replyada grup chi juga yang instukturnya terkenal dari cina langsung. bayar sih kalo gasalah, tapi parah efeknya google aja deh ahahaha mayan buat coba-coba
ReplyThank you sekali untuk kak Richard atas masukannya ^^
Replysama-sama hehehehe